Preparation and delivery time
It takes us a few days to prepare each order and since we can have multiple orders at the same time, it might take up to 1 week for your order to be prepared.
It also takes some time to be delivered to you especially when you make your order around peaks like end of the year.
If you need your order before a specific date, mention it in the order description so that we can consider it before approving the order.
The order arrived late or lost
If you already discussed the date, of course we will try our best to make it and we have never missed one. However, if we can’t prepare the order on time, we will refund your money.
But we cannot guarantee the post service. So in case of post delay or lost, we are not responsible.
The order arrived broken
We pack each cookie in bubble wrap to avoid damages. However in rare cases, cookies might break. Normally we provide a few extra ones in the package for free, so that if a cookie is broken, you can still have enough cookies.
If the number of broken cookies are more than the extra ones provided, you can ask for a partial refund.
If the package is damaged, or if you choose a mailbox package and you don’t have a standard mailbox and the package is force pushed into your mailbox by the mailman, please don’t ask for a refund.